Thursday, July 16, 2009

Where has everyone gone?

We've had a crazy busy Summer here at St. Ms!
In June We:
- had a very large and very wonderful Eucharistic prayer festival. That's when we tested out our burning bush. Around 70 people were there!
- spent time with our graduating Seniors and their families (sniff! sniff!). We had a beautiful Mass followed by dinner and the ceremony. It rocked!
- welcomed Jonathan Benitez to the youth ministry staff. Jonathan has been with us all Summer and we've had so much fun!
-attended the Franciscan University Steubenville Conference. There we encountered Jesus' mercy in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and His power in Eucharistic adoration. Our God truly is "above all". If you have not watched the Steubie promo video...check it out above.
- served the children of our parish at Vacation Bible School. We helped run classes, skits, played games, learned music and handmotions...and much much more!
So if it seems like we've disappeared off of the web...well...we have. So sorry about that! We've been busy about the Lord's business!
Youth Group's on Monday nights in the Summer for High School Students. Come join us in the Fr. Meyer Field at 7:30pm

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Eucharistic Prayer Festival

On June 5th we will be packing the large tent used every year for the parish picnic with teens for Jesus. Monica's building us our very own "burning bush".

There will be Eucharistic adoration, praise and worship, and fellowship. We'll close the evening with a cookout and bonfire. All Middle and high school teens invited. 7:30-10:00pm in the Fr. Meyer Field.

Monday, May 4, 2009

We're Trying Something New

You may have noticed a change to our blog's look and feel.

It will probably take us a couple weeks to get all the kinks worked out, so please bear with us, and if you notice any problems that we probably haven't, send us an email at Thanks!

Friday, April 17, 2009


Yesterday was Pope Benedict's 82nd birthday.
We love you Holy Father.
Hope your day was blessed and happy.
Can you believe it's been a year since Pope Benedict's visit to the United States? See below for a slide show of the Mass he celebrated at the Nat's stadium. His message for us last year was a call to remember that Christ is our hope. How appropriate and timely considering where our nation currently stands. Thank you Holy Father!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Spring Break During Holy Week

He is risen! He is risen indeed!

So this year, spring break was scheduled during Holy Week! Awesome! We went to see the Gospel of St. John performed; spent some time with Jesus at XLT on Palm Sunday; helped to set up the altar of repose for Holy Thursday; and just hung out playing ping pong and spoons. The best part was participating in the Holy Triduum. Here are some pics from our rehearsals for the Living Stations of the Cross which we lead for the parish on Good Friday.

Holy Week's the it's Monday of Easter...please pass the jelly beans!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Guys Day Out

Our high school guys went
to Mass together yesterday and then spent the day playing soccer, laser tag, and eating pizza. Here's a really great pic of the group.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Pope Benedict XVI- message to young people for local youth day 2009

His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI has recently released the message for World Youth Day 2009.
As is often the case, the Holy Father's most beautiful, eloquent, and hope-filled speeches are those which are addressed to youth. This is no different. What follows is a profound and sublime exhortation on the Christian virtue of hope:
Papal Message for Youth Day '09

"Jesus Also Wants to Encounter Each One of You"

VATICAN CITY, MARCH 4, 2009 ( Here is a Vatican translation of Benedict XVI's message for World Youth Day 2009, to be celebrated at the diocesan level this Palm Sunday. The message was released today.
* * *
"We have set our hope on the living God" (1 Tim 4:10)

My dear friends,
Next Palm Sunday we shall celebrate the twenty-fourth World Youth Day at the diocesan level. As we prepare for this annual event, I recall with deep gratitude to the Lord the meeting held in Sydney in July last year. It was a most memorable encounter, during which the Holy Spirit renewed the lives of countless young people who had come together from all over the world. The joy of celebration and spiritual enthusiasm experienced during those few days was an eloquent sign of the presence of the Spirit of Christ. Now we are journeying towards the international gathering due to take place in Madrid in 2011, which will have as its theme the words of the Apostle Paul: "Rooted and built up in Jesus Christ, firm in the faith" (cf. Col 2:7). As we look forward to that global youth meeting, let us undertake a path of preparation together. We take as our text for the year 2009 a saying of Saint Paul: "We have set our hope on the living God" (1 Tim 4:10), while in 2010 we will reflect on the question put to Jesus by the rich young man: "Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?" (Mk 10:17)

Youth, a time of hope
In Sydney, our attention was focussed upon what the Holy Spirit is saying to believers today, and in particular to you, my dear young people. During the closing Mass, I urged you to let yourselves be shaped by him in order to be messengers of divine love, capable of building a future of hope for all humanity. The question of hope is truly central to our lives as human beings and our mission as Christians, especially in these times. We are all aware of the need for hope, not just any kind of hope, but a firm and reliable hope, as I wanted to emphasize in the Encyclical Spe Salvi. Youth is a special time of hope because it looks to the future with a whole range of expectations. When we are young we cherish ideals, dreams and plans. Youth is the time when decisive choices concerning the rest of our lives come to fruition. Perhaps this is why it is the time of life when fundamental questions assert themselves strongly: Why am I here on earth? What is the meaning of life? What will my life be like? And again: How can I attain happiness? Why is there suffering, illness and death? What lies beyond death? These are questions that become insistent when we are faced with obstacles that sometimes seem insurmountable: difficulties with studies, unemployment, family arguments, crises in friendships or in building good loving relationships, illness or disability, lack of adequate resources as a result of the present widespread economic and social crisis. We then ask ourselves: where can I obtain and how can I keep alive the flame of hope burning in my heart?
In search of "the great hope"
Experience shows that personal qualities and material goods are not enough to guarantee the hope which the human spirit is constantly seeking. As I wrote in the Encyclical Spe Salvi, politics, science, technology, economics and all other material resources are not of themselves sufficient to provide the great hope to which we all aspire. This hope "can only be God, who encompasses the whole of reality and who can bestow upon us what we, by ourselves, cannot attain" (no. 31). This is why one of the main consequences of ignoring God is the evident loss of direction that marks our societies, resulting in loneliness and violence, discontent and loss of confidence that can often lead to despair. The word of God issues a warning that is loud and clear: "Cursed are those who trust in mere mortals and make mere flesh their strength, whose hearts turn away from the Lord. They shall be like a shrub in the desert, and shall not see when relief comes" (Jer 17:5-6).
The crisis of hope is more likely to affect the younger generations. In socio-cultural environments with few certainties, values or firm points of reference, they find themselves facing difficulties that seem beyond their strength. My dear young friends, I have in mind so many of your contemporaries who have been wounded by life. They often suffer from personal immaturity caused by dysfunctional family situations, by permissive and libertarian elements in their education, and by difficult and traumatic experience. For some - unfortunately a significant number - the almost unavoidable way out involves an alienating escape into dangerous and violent behaviour, dependence on drugs and alcohol, and many other such traps for the unwary. Yet, even for those who find themselves in difficult situations, having been led astray by bad role models, the desire for true love and authentic happiness is not extinguished. But how can we speak of this hope to those young people? We know that it is in God alone that a human person finds true fulfilment. The main task for us all is that of a new evangelization aimed at helping younger generations to rediscover the true face of God, who is Love. To you young people, who are in search of a firm hope, I address the very words that Saint Paul wrote to the persecuted Christians in Rome at that time: "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit" (Rom 15:13). During this Jubilee Year dedicated to the Apostle of the Gentiles on the occasion of the two thousandth anniversary of his birth, let us learn from him how to become credible witnesses of Christian hope.
Saint Paul, witness of hope
When Paul found himself immersed in difficulties and trials of various kinds, he wrote to his faithful disciple Timothy: "We have set our hope on the living God" (1 Tim 4:10). How did this hope take root in him? In order to answer that question we must go back to his encounter with the Risen Jesus on the road to Damascus. At that time, Saul was a young person like you in his early twenties, a follower of the Law of Moses and determined to fight with every means, and even to kill those he regarded as God's enemies (cf. Acts 9:1). While on his way to Damascus to arrest the followers of Christ, he was blinded by a mysterious light and he heard himself called by name: "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?" He fell to the ground, and asked: "Who are you, Lord?" The reply came: "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting" (Acts 9:3-5). After that encounter, Paul's life changed radically. He received Baptism and became an Apostle of the Gospel. On the road to Damascus, he was inwardly transformed by the Divine Love he had met in the person of Jesus Christ. He would later write: "The life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me" (Gal 2:20). From being a persecutor, he became a witness and a missionary. He founded Christian communities in Asia Minor and Greece, and travelled thousands of miles amid all kinds of perils, culminating in his martyrdom in Rome. All this for love of Christ.
The great hope is in Christ
For Paul, hope is not simply an ideal or sentiment, but a living person: Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Profoundly imbued with this certainty, he could write to Timothy: "We have set our hope on the living God" (1 Tim 4:10). The "living God" is the Risen Christ present in our world. He is the true hope: the Christ who lives with us and in us and who calls us to share in his eternal life. If we are not alone, if he is with us, even more, if he is our present and our future, why be afraid? A Christian's hope is therefore to desire "the kingdom of heaven and eternal life as our happiness, placing our trust in Christ's promises and relying not on our own strength, but on the help of the grace of the Holy Spirit" (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1817).
The way towards the great hope
Just as he once encountered the young Paul, Jesus also wants to encounter each one of you, my dear young people. Indeed, even before we desire it, such an encounter is ardently desired by Jesus Christ. But perhaps some of you might ask me: How can I meet him today? Or rather, in what way does he approach me? The Church teaches us that the desire to encounter the Lord is already a fruit of his grace. When we express our faith in prayer, we find him even in times of darkness because he offers himself to us. Persevering prayer opens the heart to receive him, as Saint Augustine explains: "Our Lord and God ... wants our desire to be exercised in prayer, thus enabling us to grasp what he is preparing to give" (Letter 130:8,17). Prayer is the gift of the Spirit that makes us men and women of hope, and our prayer keeps the world open to God (cf. Spe Salvi, 34).
Make space for prayer in your lives! To pray alone is good, although it is even more beautiful and fruitful to pray together, because the Lord assured us he would be present wherever two or three are gathered in his name (cf. Mt 18:20). There are many ways to become acquainted with him. There are experiences, groups and movements, encounters and courses in which to learn to pray and thus grow in the experience of faith. Take part in your parish liturgies and be abundantly nourished by the word of God and your active participation in the Sacraments. As you know, the summit and centre of the life and mission of every believer and every Christian community is the Eucharist, the sacrament of salvation in which Christ becomes present and gives his Body and Blood as spiritual food for eternal life. A truly ineffable mystery! It is around the Eucharist that the Church comes to birth and grows - that great family of Christians which we enter through Baptism, and in which we are constantly renewed through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The baptised, through Confirmation, are then confirmed in the Holy Spirit so as to live as authentic friends and witnesses of Christ. The Sacraments of Holy Orders and Matrimony enable them to accomplish their apostolic duties in the Church and in the world. Finally, the Sacrament of the Sick grants us an experience of divine consolation in illness and suffering.
Acting in accordance with Christian hope
If you find your sustenance in Christ, my dear young people, and if you live profoundly in him as did the Apostle Paul, you will not be able to resist speaking about him and making him known and loved by many of your friends and contemporaries. Be his faithful disciples, and in that way you will be able to help form Christian communities that are filled with love, like those described in the Acts of the Apostles. The Church depends on you for this demanding mission. Do not be discouraged by the difficulties and trials you encounter. Be patient and persevering so as to overcome the natural youthful tendency to rush ahead and to want everything immediately.
My dear friends, follow the example of Paul and be witnesses to the Risen Christ! Make Christ known, among your own age group and beyond, to those who are in search of "the great hope" that would give meaning to their lives. If Jesus has become your hope, communicate this to others with your joy and your spiritual, apostolic and social engagement. Let Christ dwell within you, and having placed all your faith and trust in him, spread this hope around you. Make choices that demonstrate your faith. Show that you understand the risks of idolizing money, material goods, career and success, and do not allow yourselves to be attracted by these false illusions. Do not yield to the rationale of selfish interests. Cultivate love of neighbour and try to put yourselves and your human talents and professional abilities at the service of the common good and of truth, always prepared to "make your defence to anyone who demands from you an accounting for the hope that is in you" (1 Pet 3:15). True Christians are never sad, even if they have to face trials of various kinds, because the presence of Jesus is the secret of their joy and peace.
Mary, Mother of hope
May Saint Paul be your example on this path of apostolic life. He nourished his life of constant faith and hope by looking to Abraham, of whom he wrote in the Letter to the Romans: "Hoping against hope, he believed that he would become the father of many nations" (Rom 4:18). Following in the footsteps of the people of hope - composed of prophets and saints of every age - we continue to advance towards the fulfilment of the Kingdom, and on this spiritual path we are accompanied by the Virgin Mary, Mother of Hope. She who incarnated the hope of Israel, who gave the world its Saviour, and who remained at the foot of the Cross with steadfast hope, is our model and our support. Most of all, Mary intercedes for us and leads us through the darkness of our trials to the radiant dawn of an encounter with the Risen Christ. I would like to conclude this message, my dear young friends, with a beautiful and well-known prayer by Saint Bernard that was inspired by one of Mary's titles, Stella Maris, Star of the Sea: "You who amid the constant upheavals of this life find yourself more often tossed about by storms than standing on firm ground, do not turn your eyes from the brightness of this Star, if you would not be overwhelmed by boisterous waves. If the winds of temptations rise, if you fall among the rocks of tribulations, look up at the Star, call on Mary ... In dangers, in distress, in perplexities, think on Mary, call on Mary ... Following her, you will never go astray; when you implore her aid, you will never yield to despair; thinking on her, you will not err; under her patronage you will never wander; beneath her protection you will not fear; she being your guide, you will not weary; with her assistance, you will arrive safely in the port" (Homilies in Praise of the Virgin Mother, 2:17).
Mary, Star of the Sea, we ask you to guide the young people of the whole world to an encounter with your Divine Son Jesus. Be the celestial guardian of their fidelity to the Gospel and of their hope.
Dear young friends, be assured that I remember all of you every day in my prayers. I give my heartfelt blessing to you and to all who are dear to you.

From the Vatican, 22 February 2009


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Paddy's Day

Never iron a four-leaf clover, because you don't want to press your luck.

Monday, March 2, 2009

No Stations of thr Cross Rehearsals tonight...Monday March 2nd


Hello Everyone! Just a little notice. Please do not risk driving in this weather to come out for Via Crucis practice tonight. We will gather next week to work on it.

See you Wednesday at Bible study.

God bless!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

H2O Project Week II

Wow! It's so wonderful to see how our little H2O Project has grown!

We recently received an update from Fr. Ryan with pics and stories of how the people of our sister parish in Togo, Africa are doing. Follow this link to read his letter and found out what we can do to help.

Togo update

Friday, February 20, 2009

Romans fiiiiiive 8!- But God proves his love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us......

Mount 2009- Wow! I LUV Bein' Catholic!

Our high school youth group spent the weekend of February 13th-15th on retreat at Mount St. Mary's Seminary. There we spent lots of time in Eucharistic adoration, singing praise and worship songs, and listening to dynamic speakers break open the mysteries of our faith.

Saturday was Valentine's Day and all 1600 young people were given a special challenge. We were encouraged to tell Jesus that we love Him 100 times within 24 hours. If we all did this, then we would be able to send Jesus over 160,000 valentines. Pretty cool huh?

Happy Valentine's Day Jesus, from Mount 2009.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Give it up 2 Give it Away

4 children die every minute because they lack clean water.
As little at $10.00 can provide one person with a lifetime supply of clean water.

The Challenge...for 2 weeks:

1. Make water your only beverage.

2. Save the money you would have spent on other beverages.

3. At the end of 2 weeks, contribute 100% of the funds you collected to Catholic Relief Services and help them drill a well.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Mount 2009- Some changes to what you need to know....

When: February 13th-15th 2009
Where: Mount St. Mary’s Seminary
Leaving on Friday: We will meet at 3:00pm in the Fr. Meyer Field. We will be driving in vans and leaving promptly at 3:30pm. Please don’t be late!
Retuning on Sunday: We will return to the school cafeteria by 6:00pm on Sunday.

Cost: $75.00

What to bring:
-An open heart!
-Sleeping bags (we will be sleeping on the floor)
-Modest, comfortable clothing with something nice to wear for Sunday Mass.
-Sports clothes: tennis shoes, tshirts and sweatshirts, etc.
-Toiletries and pajamas
-Towel and washcloth
-Camera (if you want)


Absolutely NO ipods, cell phones, watches, computers, and anything else that you can think of that’s electronic, makes noise and wouldn’t be appropriate for a retreat.

Whoa, Take It Easy, Chief!

So I just opened up, on a lark, a little daily devotional I have from the Catholic Book Publishing Co. called Every Day Is a Gift. The reading for the day goes:

SCRIPTURE: "By patient endurance you will save your lives," Luke 21:19.

REFLECTION: "Practice patience toward everyone, and especially toward yourself. Never be disturbed because of your imperfections, but always get up bravely after a fall," St. Francis de Sales, Bishop and Doctor of the Church.

PRAYER: "God of Patience, let me endure my imperfections without rebellion. Help me to be patient with myself as well as with others."

My first thought was, "Whoa." That's because being gentle and patient, with others and with myself have been big on my mind lately. I have also been thinking about how patience with others and patience with myself are related. Yesterday those thoughts had been especially frequent on my mind.

My second thought was, "Well, wait a minute." After all, some people don't care about their imperfections and their vices, don't try to root them out, but rather seem very happy to have them. Should we encourage them to be more patient with themselves, or more aggressive against their sins?

My third thought was, "Ah!" I cannot make a whit's difference in whether somebody else takes his faults seriously enough. I cannot even really know whether he takes them seriously or not. I probably can't even gauge whether he merely seems to take them seriously when he is near me. I am biased. I either like him or not; I either share his faults or not. That affects how I see things. I am not God. Better to let others worry about whether they are too patient or not. For me, it is best just to try to get rid of my faults, and be patient with myself and with others when faults pop up.

Music video

Remember the vocations video with the Eucharistic procession that Fr. Avelino showed us at youth group on Friday? (If not, please see Jesus in the Streets of New York below.) This is a remix of that video using an awesome song by Kutless...enjoy!

Jesus in the streets of New York

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Month in Review

“Why are we looking for life on Mars, when we can’t find it in the womb?”

- David Harper

Our high school youth group has spent the month of January learning about the Church’s teachings on life issues. At our Friday night meetings we have hosted several guest speakers whose presentations covered embryonic stem cell research, IVF, and the Freedom of Choice Act. We also had the opportunity to send postcards to our Senators and Representatives expressing our pro-life views and our concerns about the possibility of new pro-abortion legislation in our country. We hosted the USCCB People of Life Display in St. Martin’s Church hall as means of providing information to our parishioners. We also spent a Saturday morning praying the rosary for an end to abortion and the healing of women and men who suffer after having had abortions. We attended the March for Life on January 22nd in Washington, DC. Three of our young people read the Prayers of the Faithful at the respect life Mass that was held at the Verizon Center and one of our teens authored beautiful pro-life rosary meditations that were used there as well. Our teens shared their personal pro-life testimonies and provided music, skits, and leadership at the pro-life concert we held for 400 teens the night before the March for Life. Many of our young people and older parishioners shared in a period of Eucharistic adoration for life. We have spiritually adopted unborn babies who we pray for daily. Finally, our teens encountered the pro-life message in the viewing of the movie Bella, a beautifully pro-child, pro-family experience.

Our teens have been getting busy about being people of life!

Here's our YouTube Video...can you find yourself in the crowd?

Hey Hey! Ho Ho! Roe v. Wade has got to go!

Pics from our pro-life month.....

Ellen, David, and Juana... super fantastic readers at the Mass at the Verizon Center... with 30,000 people. Way to go!

Burger King....a delicious lunch after praying in front of the abortion clinic on one of the coldest days of the year!

Ever wondered about the loaves and the fishes? They were a symbol of the Eucharist.... Who is Jesus Christ, broken and shared for all. We witnessed this at the Mass at the Verizon Center....Eucharist for 30,000 of our closest friends!

Yes, Lord! Yes, Lord! Yes! Yes! Lord!

Waves of mercy...waves of grace....

Maria, Ana, Veronica, and Ryan
Lunch! This is where we learned that Nghia likes to smash his sandwiches before eating them....yum!

Fr. was so nice to see you!

Here's the whole St. Martin's crew...what a good lookin' group of people!

Shannon and Bridget

The March for Life

Hanging out at youth group with our friends from Kentucky....

The children with Father Dan

Monday, January 26, 2009

March for life 2009

Monday, January 19, 2009

A fraudulent email situation...

Hello Everyone!

It's so hard to believe that tomorrow is January 20th and we will have a new President! As faithful Catholics, let us make it a day of prayer and fasting. Let's pray that he might respond to the prompting of the Holy Spirit as he leads our nation and that his decisions might uphold the sanctity of all human life from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death!

On another note, I want to address a situation which has happened in the past 24 hours. My email account has been hacked. I apologize for any confusion that may have become of this. If you are currently listed as a contact in my address book, you may have received a fraudulent email from me requesting money to bring me home from England. Rest assured, I am in Gaithersburg and working at St. Martins. Please do not send any money! Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. This matter is being investigated. Please pray for its swift resolve.


God bless,

Director of Youth Ministry

Friday, January 9, 2009

What's Happening in January?


1. Come pray with us for an end to abortion. Be a witness!

On Saturday, January 17th, we are going to the abortion clinic to pray. This is a peaceful and quiet that will bring many graces and hopefully save lives!
Here is what you need to know:

We will be meeting at St. Martin's for the 9:00am Mass. Then we will carpool over to the clinic to pray the rosary. Family and friends are invited! After prayers, we will eat lunch at the Burger King across the street (bring a little dough!) Pick up will be at the Burger King at 12:30pm. Permission slips are required.
As you know, this year we will have Chris Padgett in concert. You're going to love it!
Here's the schedule for January 21st:
4:00pm Youth Mass in the Church for out- of- town groups
5:15-6:50pm Dinner in the Church Hall
7:00-9:00pm Chris Padgett in Concert
9:00-9:30pm Face 2 Face Jesus time- Eucharistic adoration and Benediction
Any St. Martin's high school students who come early to help on this day will get into the concert and eat dinner for free (what a deal!) You have exams this day right? Well come on over after's gonna rock!
3. March for Life- This is the event that we are gearing up for. We will be taking buses into Washington, DC for the March. The bus ride and lunch is free. We will be meeting in the Fr. Meyer Field on January 22nd at 5:00am. We will be going to Mass at the Verizon center with 20,000 other Catholic teenagers. Pick up after the march will be at the Fr. Meyer field at 5:00pm. Permission slips are required.
If you have any questions about any of these events.....please contact Erin.

Friday, January 2, 2009


I Want to be with You again....

Happy New Year Everyone!

I'm sure you're wondering why I have posted this video. Well, I was thinking that this song makes a great prayer. Really? Really.

If you've heard it a million times, listen to it again. This time, imagine that you are speaking to God. Cool, huh?

This is the time of year, when our society begins it's "resolutions." Many people will say that in 2009, they resolve to drop a few pounds; turn all of their homework in on time; or spend less time watching TV. All good things but I really think that resolutions are good not only for our daily lives, but also for our spiritual lives. I challenge you to take some time to think and pray about where your relationship with God stands right now. He loves you and longs for you to live your life for Him, with Him, and in Him. Where do you see God at work in your life? What are some areas of sin and darkness in your life? Do you spend regular time praying? Do you go to Mass on Sundays and confession often?

The Lord stands at the door of your heart and knocks. What can you do in 2009 to open yourself a little more to Him?

Maybe you can resolve to pray a little everyday and read Scripture. Maybe you can resolve to be more patient with your parents and siblings by asking God to teach you how to be gentle with them. Or, perhaps you can to try to get to Mass a little early on Sundays and to listen, watch, and pray throughout the Mass, really putting your entire self into it

These are just a few ideas....I'm sure you have some of your own.

Please know that I am praying for all of you and that I wish all of you a very happy and holy new year!