Monday, January 19, 2009
A fraudulent email situation...
Hello Everyone!
It's so hard to believe that tomorrow is January 20th and we will have a new President! As faithful Catholics, let us make it a day of prayer and fasting. Let's pray that he might respond to the prompting of the Holy Spirit as he leads our nation and that his decisions might uphold the sanctity of all human life from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death!
On another note, I want to address a situation which has happened in the past 24 hours. My email account has been hacked. I apologize for any confusion that may have become of this. If you are currently listed as a contact in my address book, you may have received a fraudulent email from me requesting money to bring me home from England. Rest assured, I am in Gaithersburg and working at St. Martins. Please do not send any money! Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. This matter is being investigated. Please pray for its swift resolve.
God bless,
Director of Youth Ministry
Friday, January 9, 2009
What's Happening in January?
On Saturday, January 17th, we are going to the abortion clinic to pray. This is a peaceful and quiet that will bring many graces and hopefully save lives!
As you know, this year we will have Chris Padgett in concert. You're going to love it!
3. March for Life- This is the event that we are gearing up for. We will be taking buses into Washington, DC for the March. The bus ride and lunch is free. We will be meeting in the Fr. Meyer Field on January 22nd at 5:00am. We will be going to Mass at the Verizon center with 20,000 other Catholic teenagers. Pick up after the march will be at the Fr. Meyer field at 5:00pm. Permission slips are required.
Friday, January 2, 2009
I Want to be with You again....
Happy New Year Everyone!
I'm sure you're wondering why I have posted this video. Well, I was thinking that this song makes a great prayer. Really? Really.
If you've heard it a million times, listen to it again. This time, imagine that you are speaking to God. Cool, huh?
This is the time of year, when our society begins it's "resolutions." Many people will say that in 2009, they resolve to drop a few pounds; turn all of their homework in on time; or spend less time watching TV. All good things but I really think that resolutions are good not only for our daily lives, but also for our spiritual lives. I challenge you to take some time to think and pray about where your relationship with God stands right now. He loves you and longs for you to live your life for Him, with Him, and in Him. Where do you see God at work in your life? What are some areas of sin and darkness in your life? Do you spend regular time praying? Do you go to Mass on Sundays and confession often?
The Lord stands at the door of your heart and knocks. What can you do in 2009 to open yourself a little more to Him?
Maybe you can resolve to pray a little everyday and read Scripture. Maybe you can resolve to be more patient with your parents and siblings by asking God to teach you how to be gentle with them. Or, perhaps you can to try to get to Mass a little early on Sundays and to listen, watch, and pray throughout the Mass, really putting your entire self into it
These are just a few ideas....I'm sure you have some of your own.
Please know that I am praying for all of you and that I wish all of you a very happy and holy new year!