Friday, April 17, 2009


Yesterday was Pope Benedict's 82nd birthday.
We love you Holy Father.
Hope your day was blessed and happy.
Can you believe it's been a year since Pope Benedict's visit to the United States? See below for a slide show of the Mass he celebrated at the Nat's stadium. His message for us last year was a call to remember that Christ is our hope. How appropriate and timely considering where our nation currently stands. Thank you Holy Father!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Spring Break During Holy Week

He is risen! He is risen indeed!

So this year, spring break was scheduled during Holy Week! Awesome! We went to see the Gospel of St. John performed; spent some time with Jesus at XLT on Palm Sunday; helped to set up the altar of repose for Holy Thursday; and just hung out playing ping pong and spoons. The best part was participating in the Holy Triduum. Here are some pics from our rehearsals for the Living Stations of the Cross which we lead for the parish on Good Friday.

Holy Week's the it's Monday of Easter...please pass the jelly beans!