Monday, December 31, 2007

Luminaries, part II

OK, so this post is a LITTLE late, but better late than never. On Christmas Eve, we finally put out the luminary display, after months of anticipation. About 150 of the luminaries were sponsored by parishioner-donors, and the others were purchased by parents and friends of the youth group. The proceeds were designated to support our World Youth Day 2008 pilgrims.

We set the display up starting around 5 p.m., so that people going into the first vigil Mass wouldn't have to deal with all the clutter. Man, did we have to work! The idea was to get the display set up and lit up by about 5:45 p.m. so that Massgoers leaving would be able to see and enjoy it. We left it up through the end of the following Mass and the beginning of the Pastorela, the Spanish-language nativity pageant. Then down it came in a record 10 minutes! Many hands make light work! With approximately 300 luminaries, it was a really beautiful display of Christian hope in the Father's great love for us!

Thanks to all who helped!

Friday, December 28, 2007

Join the Rosary Army

Your rosary is like a little chapel or church that you can carry around with you wherever you go. When things get hard, when you are very grateful, or when you're just bored, you can whoop it out and let 'er rip. Or you can just stick your hand in your pocket and pray it under cover. Go to the Rosary Army website for lots of great resources.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mexico

Are you familiar with the story of San Juan Diego and Our Lady of Guadalupe?

(To read the original story, click here,......go ahead! Take a few seconds to read it!)

If not, here's the "reader's digest" version......long ago, Our Lady appeared several times to San Juan Diego on a little hill in Mexico with a request. She longed for a chapel to be built there. She wanted a holy place where people from all over could come to find rest and to worship her Son. She sent Juan Diego to the local bishop to ask him to build it. Juan made several visits to the bishop and each time, he turned him away. Finally, he told Juan Diego not to come back unless he brought some kind of sign from the Virgin. The bishop wanted proof that Juan was really being visited by our Heavenly Queen.

Juan Diego asked Mary for a sign to take to the bishop and she told him to pick some roses that were growing there. (These roses typically did not grow in Mexico in that time of year.) Then, she gracefully and with much care arranged them in his tilma (his shirt or cloak). Holding them carefully, Juan Diego returned to the bishop and opened his tilma, spilling the roses to the floor. Much to his surprise, on his shirt where Mary had arranged the roses so lovingly, was the image of the beautiful Virgin herself!

This image still exists and is displayed at a grand basilica in Mexico City where people from all over the world come to worship God and to honor His mother.

Take a moment to reflect on these words of Mama Mary, spoken so long ago to San Juan Diego. They still resound from Tepeyac if she is speaking to each of us, her youngest and dearest children:



We're Back
We have returned safely from Mexico. We had some pretty amazing experiences! Please know that we prayed for all of you and your intentions at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe and in each church; at every Mass; and while we traveled. May God bless each of you for your prayers and support for our trip as well!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

A Bright Idea

The Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, is coming to

Well, not exactly.

But he IS coming to Washington, D.C., and that's just a few miles away! While he is here, there will be several events open to the public, including a Mass offered by the Holy Father at National's Stadium. These events are free, but to help regulate crowd control, typically require a ticket to get in.

So here's the bright idea. Let's get tickets and go!

Psych. The tickets will be really hard to get - usually a lottery will determine who goes to the Mass. So let's pray. Maybe God WANTS the St. Martin Youth Group to go, and all we have to do is ask Him to get us the tickets. If you'd like to go, leave a comment to this post, and start praying your guts out!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Getting a Bigger Heart

Two things will make our heart bigger: getting gifts gratefully and giving gifts graciously.
Getting gifts, receiving what others want to share with us, might just make us more greedy. It might make us think that we DESERVE what we have received. When we receive a gift, we have to do it with gratitude: saying and meaning, "You were really free not to give me that gift but you did anyway, not to get something, but just because you care for me. Thank you."

Giving gifts might not make our hearts bigger, but just more conniving and scheming. How could that happen? If we give a gift hoping to get something back, we will almost certainly be upset if the recipient doesn't give us what we secretly wanted. If we want to make a business transaction, say, a mix CD for $5, that's fine. But if we want to give a gift, we must do so for free, graciously, "just because I care." Very often, when we give gifts we do so for reasons that are hidden even to ourselves. How often have we given a gift so someone will give something back: another gift, or so that someone else will like us more, etc.? When we give a gift, we should do it so freely that we will give it even if the recipient doesn't even say, "Thank you."

Grateful gift-getting and gracious gift-giving put love into concrete action in a way that expands our heart. When we give a gift freely, rather than losing something we gain people who will live in our heart. When we receive a gift with gratitude, our hearts expand and make room for more people to move in.

It is no coincidence that in many languages, the words for free-of-charge and thank you are very similar. In Spanish, for instance, thank you is gracias and free-of-charge is gratis.

The ability to give and receive freely is beyond us. Try to give something sacrificial to someone who neither will nor can make a repayment. For instance, don't give $1 to a homeless person - give him $50. Ouch. Here is the last it's-no-coincidence. It is no coincidence that in many languages the word for thank you is gracias and the word for grace is gracia. Grace is not just being able to dance well or move in a beautiful way or speak well. Grace is God's life of joyful love shared with us. It is like a spiritual blood transfusion. God takes His Heart and His Blood and puts them into us so we can think, feel, act, and live as He does. That's why the Son of God took on human nature, so He could share with us His Divine Nature. If He wants to take His Flesh and Blood and put them into us to change how we love... can you guess how He does such a thing?

Let's spend this Advent time preparing for Christmas by making confessing our sins so that we can make very holy communions, and spending time with Jesus asking Him to help us appreciate His free gift to us.

Monday, December 10, 2007

look out, tupac!

In a really, really weird way, the video below kinda summarizes our C. A. #28 Retreat experience. Enjoy!

A Weekend of Mystery

I'd like to tell you the story of some very funny....very mischievous teenagers who embarked on a journey to play pranks on their poor...innocent youth minister this weekend....a.k.a ME! In a game-like fashion they secretly hid my toothbrush in the gazebo, my shoes in the chapel, my hair gel in the refrigerator, and my pillow in Rogerio's cabin! As in all good mysteries, the hooligans left me clues; hand- written in red ink.... leading me on an adventure to find my missing belongings. I found the toothbrush, hair gel, shoes and pillow, but guess what else was mattress!!! Now....I would like to know how a group of teenagers can pick up a mattress and hide it....without me noticing! Way to go guys....this was a good one! It seems that everyone was in on it....even our adult volunteers. Late Saturday night, my mattress reappeared and all was well that ended well.

So why do I tell you the story of my incredible plight? Well you see.....since our return, my coat has been missing....and well, I am beginning to wonder where I'll find the next clue....

Friday, November 30, 2007

C. A. Retreat

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

C.A. Retreat Countdown: 17 Days!

What's up?
Are you looking for more information about our
CA Retreat?
Then, you've come to the right place!

Christian Awakening Retreat #28 (a.k.a. CA #28)

Who: All High School Youth Invited!
When: December 7th, 8th, and 9th
Where: Our Lady of Mattaponi Retreat Center
Cost: $90.00 (limited scholarships available)

Deadline to Register is November 30th

*Registration forms and money can be turned in at the parish office during business hours or on Friday nights at youth group.

*We will meet at the Fr. Meyer House at 4pm on Friday, December 7th. We will be traveling by bus to the retreat center. A light dinner of pizza will be available before boarding the bus. Please remember that you are encouraged to bring snacks for the weekend...see our list of things to bring.

*We will return on Sunday, December 9th for the 5pm Mass. All parents and family are invited to attend this Mass with us. A potluck dinner and special presentation for the families will follow the Mass in the school cafeteria. All parents are invited to this as well. Parent cooks are appreciated.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Let Jesus Love You in the Quiet

"I gaze on You in the sanctuary, to see Your power and glory." Psalm 63:2

Is your life too busy? Are you constantly sitting in front of a TV, or a computer? Are your ears a permanent rest for your ipod's ear-buds? Jesus longs for you to visit Him in the Blessed Sacrament. Take some time away from your busy schedule to sit with your Creator and Redeemer. He loves you, ya know? He is the answer to life's toughest questions.

Come to the Fr. Meyer House on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays until 10:00pm. The youth group is especially welcome on Wednesdays 7-8pm. Contact Erin for more information.

The Love of Christ
He came to Simon Peter, who said to him, ‘Lord, are you going to wash my feet?’ Jesus answered, ‘You do not know now what I am doing, but later you will understand.’ Peter said to him, ‘You will never wash my feet.’ Jesus answered, ‘Unless I wash you, you have no share with me.’ Simon Peter said to him, ‘Lord, not my feet only but also my hands and my head!’
John 13:6-9

Lord Jesus, you came to us not to be served but to serve. In your presence we are being washed by your love. We desire to receive your healing, mercy and strength. We open our hearts to you and all that needs washing.

Saturday, November 17, 2007


So this past Friday, Nov. 16, St. Martin's Youth Group went on a hayride at Butler's Orchard in Germantown.

In a sneak maneuver, Erin made the boys and girls ride in separate wagons. While nobody was excited about about the arrangement, apparently nobody was shocked, either. Yet, somehow, the boys managed to have fun - laughing, joking around, trying to throw apples at the girls, and so on. Happily for the girls, apparently most of the boys throw like girls. A LOT of hay got down people's shirts, shoes, ears, and... well other places too. On the boys' wagon, a fistfight nearly developed over where to best put the hay, but hey, all's well as end's well, and everyone got back in one piece and laughing.

After the hayride there was a bonfire. It's amazing how many things 15 year olds can come up with to burn. Those glowsticks get REALLY bright in fires, and potato chips really get a big blaze going. A lot of hotdogs fell into the fire too, and some marshmallows never made it to their designated graham-cracker-and-chocolate destinations. We had two guitarists and a number of vocalists. Erin decided to get the yoots to play a game she descriptively entitled, "Run across the rutted field at night as quick as you can" game. Normally youth ministers try to prevent such nonsense, but Erin's guardian angel works overtime and so nobody turned an ankle. It got really cold at night, so we had fun seeing how close we could get to the fire without falling in. Some kids tried to hover over the fire, but neither their powers of levity nor their sanctity sufficed to hold them in place - most of them fell, but none of them landed in the fire.

The whole night was a real blast. We'll try to see about getting more pix up.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Great Concert for Sydney

"'You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses.' Acts 1:8

What a beautiful experience to see our parish family support the efforts of our teens to get to Sydney, Australia for World Youth Day! We had a full house! The concert, more like a parish festival, was attended by more than three hundred parishioners!

The music shared was inspirational, and quite moving. We have so many talented musicians in our parish! One of the highlights of the evening was the special performance by the girl's choir of Receive the Power, the WYD 2008 theme song. We also heard several selections from our youth band. As always, you rock!! The presentation of our very own WYD cross to the pilgrims by their parents was also an incredible moment. Thank you to everyone who helped make this night a huge success! we come!!!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Luminary Trial Run

In a November 2 trial run of the luminary fundraiser scheduled for Christmas Eve 2007, volunteers set up 200 luminaries around the parish walkways. The luminaries were set up as a commemoration of deceased parishioners, and to pique the interest of living parishioners. Email Ryan Haber to sign up to help on Christmas Eve.

C.A. Retreat Planning Afoot

Adult and teenage organizers are industriously planning the Christian Awakening 28 (C. A. 28) Retreat as I write.

The Christian Awakening Retreat is an old St. Martin's youth group tradition. Email Erin or call her at 301-990-8303 for more information.