You come home from school and you're hungry. You open the fridge or pop something in the microwave. Simple and easy...right?
Here are some items that we need:
You come home from school and you're hungry. You open the fridge or pop something in the microwave. Simple and easy...right?
Pope Benedict XVI is coming to Washington, DC and we can win tickets!
“…. because by your
holy cross, you have
redeemed the world.”
On Good Friday, the high school youth group will lead the parish community in meditation on the passion and death of our Lord. Any student in 9th-12th grade who would like to be involved in the production of the Living Stations of the Cross is welcome. Please contact Erin as soon as possible.
Here is our rehearsal schedule:
March 4th- 6-8pm in the teachers' lounge of the school
March 9th - 6:30-8:30pm in the P.O.B. and Gym
March 13th- 5:00-7:00pm in the Church
March 15th- 10:00am- 2:00pm in the Church and P.O.B.
March 21st- 9:00am- 5:00pm in the Church and P.O.B.
All high school students are invited!
When: Sunday, March 2nd
Time: 5:30pm- 9:00pm
Where:St. Martin’s School Gym
A short time for prayer and discussion will follow the movie.
Click here to visit the official movie website.
Parental permission slips are needed because this movie is rated R.
They can be downloaded above.
On February 8th-10th 59 teens and adults from St. Martin's youth group gathered with 2000 of their closest Catholic friends for a weekend of prayer, praise, laughter, and healing. The event was a fantastic experience for all. The retreat was run by the seminarians of Mount St. Mary's Seminary. Many priests, seminarians, and religious sisters and brothers shared this amazing expereince with us and were beautiful witnesses for our young people.