Franciscan University
High School Youth Conference
When: June 20th- 22nd 2008
Where: Steubenville, Ohio
Who: All High School Youth
Cost: $240.00
We will be taking a bus to the conference. Space is limited. This is a very popular retreat so make sure you register early! The retreat is expensive but financial reasons should not keep any young person from attending. We have some scholarship funds so make sure you contact us soon!
Here are a few things you should know:
Leaving on Friday, June 20th- Please arrive at 8:00am and load your belongings on the bus at the Fr. Meyer House. We will all attend the 9:00am Mass together in the church. The bus will leave promptly at 9:45am.
Leaving Franciscan University on Sunday, June 22nd - Pick up time is 9:00pm in the Fr. Meyer Field. This is subject to change with traffic.
What to bring:
- An open heart
-casual, modest clothing
-a sleeping bag and pillow
-any medications you need
-Bible, rosary, and prayer materials
-small amount of cash for lunch on Friday and Sunday
What NOT to bring:
- drugs or alcohol will not be tolerated. Your parents will be notified immediately and you will be sent home at their expense.
-cell phones, ipods, cd players, etc.
- tank tops, short shorts, short skirts, or immodest clothing of any type, If you are caught wearing something inappropriate at the retreat, you will be asked to change clothes or put something on over top.
Registration packets are available at the parish office during business hours. Remember to register early!
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